Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Cara Menampilkan widget di halaman tertentu

Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu. Kita bisa memilih menampilkan pada halaman awal (homepage) saja atau menampilkan widget pada halaman posting saja.

Cara Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu
1. Login ke Blogger.

Cara Menampilkan widget di halaman tertentu

Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu. Kita bisa memilih menampilkan pada halaman awal (homepage) saja atau menampilkan widget pada halaman posting saja.

Cara Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu
1. Login ke Blogger.

Cara Membuat Buku Tamu Simple di Blog

Untuk membuat buku tamu yang bisa buka tutup ini, silahkan Anda buat widget shoutbox yang bisa didapatkan di shoutmix atau cbox. Di sana kita registrasi dan buat widgetnya lalu ambil kodenya.

Cara Membuat Buku Tamu yang Buka Tutup

1. Login ke blogger

Cara Membuat Permalink di bawah postingan blog

Cara Membuat Kotak Permalink di Bawah Postingan Blog

Caranya sangat mudah, ikuti dibawah ini.. hehehe

Cara mempercepat loading Blog Ampuh

Blog yang memiliki loading yang cepat tentu juga dikarenakan halaman blog yang ringan. Berikut adalah tips untuk membuat blog menjadi lebih cepat loadingnya:

1. Kurangi Widget Blog yang Kurang Bermanfaat
Salah satu penyebab blog menjadi berat dan loadingnya

Membuat Efek Drop Shadow Pada Gambar

 Drop Shadow adalah sebuah efek bayangan yang timbul pada suatu objek, bisa pada sebuah kotak, tabel, dan gambar. Tidak perlu mengedit gambar yang akan kita posting dengan photoshop. Tapi kita akan langsung membuat gambar yang ada di blog kita memiliki efek drop shadown.

Membuat Energy Saving Mode untuk Blog

Energy Saving Mode. Sama seperti yang ada di komputer, dengan Energy Saving Mode mouse digerakan Energy Saving Modedi blog kita. 

Cara mudah Membuat Flashdisk Ber-password

Mungkin Flashdisk adalah tempat untuk penyimpanan data file pribadi punya sobat, apalagi yang di flashnya banyak banget file penting yang sangat rahasia!!!

trus gmna klo ada orang iseng membuka isi flash anda??
mungkin kalau orang itu jahat, file anda bisa di delete atau di copy untuk di hack??
maka dari itu saya memberi solusi untuk kalian para pengguna flash disk..

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Softlens (Lensa Kontak) yang Tesembunyi

Lensa kontak (kadang hanya disebut sebagai "kontak") adalah lensa korektif, kosmetik, atau terapi yang biasanya ditempatkan di kornea mata.

Cara Membuat Blog Tidak Bisa Dicopy Paste "Cara Mudah"

      Anda jengkel melihat artikel anda di copy paste tanpa seiizin anda, bisa di atasi dengan cara ini. tapi disarankan agar tidak memakai cara ini, karena kita tidak bisa mengambil kode dari blog tersebut.
    Langsung saja, begini caranya :

Cara Membuat Blog Tidak Bisa Di copy Paste
 Login ke Blogger.

Cara Memberi background pada kotak komentar

     Cara Memberi background pada kotak komentar

Penyebab Blog Menjadi Berat

      Biasanya, jika kita membuka suatu blog, kadang-kadang loading nya sangat lambat. Karena blog tersebut telalu berat. Untuk itu hal-hal yang menurut saya harus diperhatikan adalah:

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Trik Rahasia Blog agar Banyak Pembaca

Menurut saya, Kita harus lebih memperhatikan :

Membuat Widget Chat Box

Awal belajar ngeblogging saya masih belum faham maupun mahir tapi kalau saya menjajali dunia bloging ternyata asik juga walaupun masih newbie atau pemula.

Kumpulan Widget Keren

           Widget jika berkaitan dengan web/ blog maka yang dimaksud merupakan sebuah tool (alat yang berguna) untuk memaksimalkan penampilan keindahan, kecantikan, serta blog kita. Widget itu sendiri adalah sebuah elemen yang bermanfaat dan easy to use baik yang disediakan oleh penyedia layanan blog gratis yang kita gunakan (wordpress/blogspot) ataupun yang berasal dari third party atau pihak ketiga.

Penggunaan ataupun pemasangan widget sudah

Cara Reset Password di Windows 7

Sekarang banyak yang memakai Windows 7, nah mereka lupa kata sandi nya ,sehingga Windows 7 Anda akan terkunci,dan tidak dapat di buka lagi. Biasanya, untuk membuka komputer yang Anda gunakan tidak akan terbuka jika Anda tidak mengetahui Password. 
Untuk mengakalinya ada beberapa siasat yang harus di lakukan, yah walau pun Anda masih pemula di bidang komputer, seperti saya ini, asalkan Anda memang benar-benar serius mengikutinya.

 Pada artikel ini, saya siap untuk berbagi beberapa cara sederhana untuk me-reset Windows 7 password admin atau password Standar lain bahkan jika Anda seorang pemula komputer, Anda akan merasa mudah dan aman untuk membuatnya. Berikut cara sederhana untuk mereset password Windows 7:

1. Manfaatkan Windows built-in fitur

Jumat, 23 November 2012

Cara Membuat Tulisan Berjalan

Sering kali kita melihat blog yang dihiasi oleh tulisan atau kata-kata yang berjalan di blog teman-teman kita. mungkin sebagian besar sudah mengetahuinya. tapi disini ade mencoba untuk sharing kepada teman-teman yang belum mengetahui cara pembuatannya.

change blogger mouse

I take the cursor image from and you can change it anytime depends on your festive moods.

How to Install mouse cursor in blogger blog to animated cursors

This tutorial will help you to change the mouse cursor of your blog to animated cursors. As you can see in this blog, i haved installed a dark blue 3d cursor. You can also add it in your blogspot blogs and change it according to your will.

change blogger mouse

I take the cursor image from and you can change it anytime depends on your festive moods.

How to Install mouse cursor in blogger blog to animated cursors

This tutorial will help you to change the mouse cursor of your blog to animated cursors. As you can see in this blog, i haved installed a dark blue 3d cursor. You can also add it in your blogspot blogs and change it according to your will.

I have to write two set of instructions for each steps, as some of you are using the default layout, and some of you are using the new layout.Backup your template before attempting this tutorial.

Step 1:

In old layout: Go to Dashboard - Design - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

In new layout: Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit Template HTML - Expand Widget Templates.

Now find (CTRL+F) this code in the template:


And immediately before it, paste this code:

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

And now click Save Template 

Some cursors are give bellow

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors  , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger:

mouse pointer , cursor cursors , mouse cursor , tumblr cursors , cursors for windows 7 , mouse icon , cursor pointer , free cursor , cursor download

Optionally use this Widget installer to add this link to your blogger blog.

Click the following image to add the widget to your blogger: